Property Photogrammetry

Using Drone Photography for 3D Mapping of real world structures

Rotate, zoom and even use augmented reality to view property from a new perspective!

3D property modelling, known as photogrammetry, uses advanced drones to capture high-resolution aerial images from various angles. Specialized software then stitches these images together to create detailed 3D models of properties.

Find out more HERE (or view our examples below).

Our bespoke Digital weblinks

Beyond stunning imagery, we offer a unique digital experience: a webpage or shareable hyperlink featuring 3D property models overlaid on Google Maps, complete with local points of interest and embedded company branding.

Embedded links directly to: • Your website • Your Contact details • Property brochure • Video and photo gallery. • A more detailed 3D model and Augmented reality view.

See it in action and imagine the future of property presentation

Mobile Controls

Rotate. Move one finger around the screen

Move. Move two fingers across the screen

Zoom. Place two fingers on the screen near each other. Spread them apart to zoom in, or move them toward each other to zoom out.

Desktop Controls

Rotate. Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse

Move. While holding down 'Ctrl' or 'Shift', hold the left mouse button and move the mouse

Zoom. Roll the scroll wheel forward to zoom in, or backwards to zoom out.

Why Use Property Photogrammetry?

Unparalleled Realism

Our 3D models provide an incredibly detailed and realistic representation of a property or structure, allowing potential customers to explore every nook and cranny from the comfort of their own device.

Enhanced Marketing

Stand out in the competitive real estate market by offering interactive and engaging experiences. 3D models make your listings more attractive and memorable and minimise the need for physical property visits, especially in today's digital age, saving time for both sellers and buyers.

Accurate Detail

Using cutting edge software and state of the art drones, our technology provides precise imaging, helping architects, developers and builders plan renovations or construction projects with confidence.  It can also be used to provide visual status reports removing the need for costly site visits.

Let's Capture Your Vision Together!

Fill out the form below with your details, and let's start a conversation about how Dorset Drone Shoots can bring your vision to life. Whether it's a stunning property shoot, an unforgettable event, or any other creative project, our team is here to make it happen.

Property Photogrammetry

Using Drone Photography for 3D Mapping of real world structures

Rotate, zoom and even use augmented reality to view property from a new perspective!

3D property modelling, known as photogrammetry, uses advanced drones to capture high-resolution aerial images from various angles. Specialized software then stitches these images together to create detailed 3D models of properties.

Find out more (or view our examples below).

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